Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3-D Word Hunt Final: OK, 65 It Is

I just got a few more emails from z. He first acknowledged that my list was perfect except for two words: PLENA, which he acknowledged is a bit more common than some of the 'acceptable' words on the final list, and KIKES. He then went on to note that he tried to get the Times to include KIKES but was rebuffed. The answers published this coming Sunday will be missing that word.

I wrote him back to ask if he minded if I wrote a letter to the editor about the exclusion of the word, and he wrote back giving his approval. I think it's safe to say that he has a similar take on words: They only have power to offend if we bestow that power upon them artificially. A word's a word.

Shirra pointed out that the negative powers of 'vagina' were greatly diminished as a result of the Vagina Monologues. The more people heard the word spoken, the less its shock value. I often point out to my students that 'idiot' and 'retard' are much meaner words than 'shit' or 'fuck.' The former are directed at people in an effort to sting, while the latter group is merely a scatalogical or sexual reference to ideas that our puritanical ancestors had difficulties with.

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