Monday, May 07, 2007

Driving Under the Influence (of Testosterone)

While driving back from Manhattan this evening, I didn't concede to an aggressive driver; later, he swerved in front of me and decelerated suddenly before switching back to the right lane and taking the exit. I reflected on how relaxed I've become while seated behind the wheel. Where once I might have gotten angry at that doofus, I merely reminded myself that I'll be outliving him by decades. He who laughs last, etc.

In my 20s and early 30s, I was more aggressive on the road. My proudest achievement was being honked at by Israeli taxi drivers. For the most part, when I was behind the wheel, I drove fast. Occasionally I pulled ahead of slowpokes in the fast lane and then let my car slow down until they switched to the lane they belonged in. It was more about righting a wrong than driving dangerously, but I don't do that anymore. I am totally blase these days. If I'm in a rush, I'll drive speed limit + 9 mph. If not, I'll stick to the limit or, if no one is behind me, I'll go slower. I usually drive the highway at 55-60 mph. I no longer drive under the influence of testosterone.

I was thinking about when this started, and it seems to have coincided (not coincidentally) with our move to New Paltz. Life is a lot calmer up here for us, and drivers are generally much more considerate. Yet another reason to leave life in the big city.

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