Saturday, September 30, 2006

Coincidences, Part III

While picking up a framed picture, a man named Kevin, who works there part-time, came out to put a face to the voice he was hearing. He looked over the receipt and said, "David Stone.... I knew a David Stone at Camp Laurel." Yup. That was my camp. And Kevin was my brother's counselor! He worked there for three years, starting in 1979, the summer that John was in the Redwoods cabin. The next year, he worked with the older kids in what now would be considered the upper camp (it was then called Bago, short for Kennebago), tho he was never my counselor. He has a phenomenal memory and actually recognized me by my voice, or rather, by some of my vocal qualities (vocabulary, cadence). I never realized just how oddly I must speak.

Kevin also had a 1980 Laurel yearboook that he brought in the next day. In it were photos of many of my friends, favorite counselors, and even a few of my brother. One photo even included my best friend Ben (the one who now lives just down the road here in New Paltz), my brother, and me -- we were all in a production of a play.

As Kevin and I spoke about camp, it turned out that Mark, the owner of the frame shop, was quite familiar with Camp Laurel. It seems that the camp had moved to Maine from around here (the Laurel Mountains), so he knew some of the previous owners. As we chatted about them, a customer came in, and he also reminisced about Laurel, even mentioning that one of the better-known counselors (Heidi, who was the head of the waterfront) came from New Paltz.

My son was riding his unicycle at Ben's annual block party a fortnight ago when some people noticed his unusual form of transportation. Thru that, Shirra met three people who ride unicycles. One of them is Joe Haas, a local high school teacher. I emailed him later. I mentioned that two of the members of my unicycle club are from New Paltz (both also named Joe), and it turns out that he taught both of them.

A couple came over to introduce themselves to Shirra. It turns out that they both went to high school with my brother and remembered him fondly.

Having a unicycle is certainly a great way to meet people.

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