Monday, September 11, 2006

Addicted to Weed(ing)

You pull one, you pull them all. I noticed a weed in one of our gardens. The previous owners planted groups of flowers here and there (around the shed, along the house, and so on), but in the last few months, they probably let the weeds accumulate more than usual, focusing more on packing than on gardening (which is understandable).

A week ago, while walking from the cottage to the house, I found a weed and pulled it. It was one of those Frisbee-sized dandelion plants that threatens to spread its seeds all over your lawn if you don’t take care of it. At this time of year, the dandelions are bereft of seed, but they still bug me. I set to it right away.

Before I’d even removed this one, another Frisbee hove into view and was quickly dispatched…and then another. Taking breaks to stand every now and then, I managed to extract enough weeds and weedlings to fill up a wheelbarrow (if only I’d had one at the time). You have to have the attitude that you’re either going to leave all of them alone OR that you’re going to attack them with vengeance usually reserved for mosquitoes.

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