Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, the Weather Outside is...

Well, 'frightful' would be a bit strong. That might have described the forecast, but it certainly didn't describe the actual weather that followed it. Winter storm advisories were calling for a major nor'easter to dump 6-12 inches on New Paltz and the environs. We barely got two inches.

Still, that was enough to trap my family for many hours today. We made the most of it, tho. Shirra trekked down to Route 32, where her employee picked her up. She got to spend the day in her store, knitting, chatting, and watching bootleg tv shows on Cricket's laptop. The kids made it outside for an hour's worth of tramping in the snow and sledding. I got in some quality time with the computer, playing an hour of online Scrabble ( before joining the kids for a bit. I got some nice snaps of the kids, including one of Maeve standing next to the snowwoman she made on Thursday with her babysitter (featuring ample snow-boobs). After lunch, it was naptime for Maeve.

While she was a-nap, I decided to see if the road was passable. The car got stuck a few times, but clearly it wouldn't be impossible to get to 32 if I could make it up the small incline past our neighbor's house. The only problem is that this same incline begins at a small bridge between two ponds, and the bridge doesn't have guard rails. For me to make it over the incline, I'd have to build up speed, but to do that, I had to back over the bridge (yes, BACK, as in backwards) four or five times; it got less terrify each round. Eventually, I made it to 32 and thence to the fire house.

A call had come in to my pager just before I went outside, and another came in a few minutes later. I figured I'd get to the station as quickly as I could, but the trip that normally takes 6 minutes took more like 30. Still, I made it there in time to answer a third call (a false alarm), clean up the firetrucks and the station, and head to Starbucks, all by 4pm. I got some surprises for the wife and kids and then picked Shirra up at her store.

It was a quiet and relaxing snowy day in the Paltz.

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