Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Very Impressed with the Pigeons of NYC

On Sunday, I arrived back at my car, parked for 24 hours on 81st St and Columbus, across from the Planetarium. The car had been hit by 5 pigeons. 4 managed to score on the glass top of the car, but one enterprising pigeon got extra points for landing some guano right on the driver's side door handle. Wow. What really amazed me is that the nearest tree branch is at least 50 feet above. Given the size of the car, these birds pulled off the NASA equivalent of landing an unmanned rocket on the moon.

I planned to wash the car the next morning but forgot and then ran out of time. Good thing: The next day, the car had been hit a few more times. Kudos to the birds that hit the rear part of the car -- that thing is almost perfectly perpendicular to their location. The winning strike goes to the bird that managed to land a poop right on my rear window decal. This made it extra tricky to clean, since the decal can't withstand much scrubbing.

Hats off to the pigeons of New York City. On second thought, keep your hat on, just in case.

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