Friday, March 16, 2007

Snow's Woes

The forecast was for 8-16 inches of snow from today till tomorrow. I decided to spend a few hours at the firehouse in case some calls came in, and sure enough, two did. Both were cars that had slipped off the highway. When I got back from the 2nd mishap, my car looked like this, even tho I had just cleaned it off 40 minutes earlier.

Later I made the mistake of trying to move the car to the bottom of our drive (nearly a half-mile from the house), but the snow had persisted, increasing in height by at least six inches, so the car is currently nestled to the side of the drive about 200 yards from the spot I was trying to reach. To get it there, I needed to dig out almost the entire length of the road; I think I was digging for around two-and-a-half hours. So as I write this, I'm sitting with a heating pad on my back, trying to calm overused muscles. I'll sleep well tonight!

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